Documenting the transition of Psychoberrie from little girl to insanity, with contrasts of the upbeat circus melodies we expect and know from the band to intense, eye widening and heart wrenching ballads.

Debuting all day on Hard Rock Hell Radio – under the umbrella of the family for their label, Metal Rocka Recordings, the video will also be debuted via the HRH website on 7 August 2020.

‘IMAGO’ (ɪˈmeɪɡəʊ) noun: the final and fully developed adult stage of an insect, typically winged.

“Imago marks the coming of age for a young Psychoberrie and with it a realisation. After being dealt a poor hand during childhood her innocence undergoes a malevolent transformation from a devout Christian to renouncing her faith after God failed her in her desperate times of need. Psychoberrie now turns to Lucifer, burying her former innocent self she emerges powerful, determined and fueled by hatred, vowing to take on the work of the Devil himself…”